Legal basis: Salzburger Veranstaltungsgesetz 1997 (Salzburg Event Law), LGBl Nr. 100/1997 as amended. Veranstaltungsstätten-Verordnung (Venue By-Law), LGBl Nr 10/2001 as amended.
All publically and generally accessible performances and facilities intended for the amusement and entertainment of participants are subject to the provisions of the Salzburg Event Law 1997 and the by-laws pursuant to this law. Film screenings require a permit from the Government of Land Salzburg.
The playing of moving images that are stored on an image media is considered as film screening (cinema, multiplex cinema, travelling cinema).
The following film screenings do not require a permit: • Screenings which do not contain a story line and only serve to inform people, such as travelogues and the like,
• Screenings by tourist accommodations if the film is only available for hosted guests in the guest rooms,
• Screenings playing radio broadcasts,
• Screenings with a duration of less than 15 minutes, with a width of under 10 mm.